
Who we are

We’re a team of researchers from diverse backgrounds, including Pakeha and Māori, who are passionate about addiction and community health. Our study is guided by a Kaitiaki Rōpū and we’re fortunate to the have the support of local addiction services and Iwi.

All our interviewers have received special training for this study, ensuring the utmost care and professionalism throughout your interaction with us.

Who we are

We’re a team of researchers from diverse backgrounds, including Pakeha and Māori, who are passionate about addiction and community health. Our study is guided by a Kaitiaki Rōpū and we’re fortunate to the have the support of local addiction services and Iwi.

All our interviewers have received special training for this study, ensuring the utmost care and professionalism throughout your interaction with us.

Our why

We're pioneering a groundbreaking study in Aotearoa New Zealand, meticulously co-designed with Māori advisors and a diverse research team. Our collective expertise, including lived experience and community engagement, fuels our mission.

Our Why

We're pioneering a groundbreaking study in Aotearoa New Zealand, meticulously co-designed with Māori advisors and a diverse research team. Our collective expertise, including lived experience and community engagement, fuels our mission.

Study background

Building on Australia's M.A.T.E.S. (Methamphetamine Treatment Evaluation Study), we've adapted it for our diverse Aotearoa New Zealand communities. Our approach allows us to deeply engage with those facing meth addiction to gain invaluable insights.

This study has the approval of the NZ Health and Disability Ethics Committees (Approval Number 2023 EXP 15148). 

Study Background

Building on Australia's M.A.T.E.S. (Methamphetamine Treatment Evaluation Study), we've adapted it for our diverse Aotearoa New Zealand communities. Our approach allows us to deeply engage with those facing meth addiction to gain invaluable insights.

This study has the approval of the NZ Health and Disability Ethics Committees (Approval Number 2023 EXP 15148) 


This study is open to whaiora from the Waikato, Tamaki Makaurau and Northland and will run until 2025. The study is open to all those living with meth addiction; our approach allows this study to be inclusive to all walks of life, no matter what your background.


This study is open to whaiora from the Waikato, Tamaki Makaurau and Northland and will run until 2025. The study is open to all those living with meth addiction; our approach allows this study to be inclusive to all walks of life, no matter what your background.


When working with addictions we know that the most important voice should be those with lived experience. By sharing your lived experience, you empower our research with real-world insights. This understanding is pivotal in shaping future support structures, interventions, and community awareness initiatives.


Our research focuses on gathering data on various health indicators such as heart and brain health, mental and emotional well-being, instances of psychosis, relapse, and any associated crime.


The interviews can be conducted at a place where you feel comfortable, whether that’s  a community Alcohol and Drug Service or other community centre.

For added support, whaiora are encouraged to bring a Kaiāwhina (support person) to each interview session.

Location and Frequency

This study is being conducted in Auckland, Waikato and Northland. Whaiora will be interviewed four times over a two-year period.


As a token of our appreciation for your invaluable input, we will provide a $30 food voucher for every interview you attend.


All interviews are strictly confidential. Your results will remain anonymous. Our trained researchers are dedicated to maintaining your privacy and comfort.

The narratives uncovered in this study will empower our community, amplifying the voices of those living with addiction and enhancing the support they receive.
Our team

Associate Professor David Newcombe

Principal Investigator
The University of Auckland

David Newcombe is an Associate Professor in Population Health (Alcohol and Drug Studies) at the University of Auckland with expertise in psychopharmacology,  drug effect and interventions for risky/problematic alcohol and drug use and treatment for addiction.

Whaea Pam Armstrong

Ngati Hine Trust/Te Hononga Hau (Mental Health and Addiction)

Whaea Pam (Ngati Wai, Ngapuhi, Ngati Whatua) brings extensive experience of working in the community with those living with addiction. As the first AOD practitioner in Northland, Pam holds strong community, Iwi and Hapu connections across the wider region and is highly respected in the field.

Associate Professor Vili Nosa

The University of Auckland

Associate Professor Nosa has a Bachelor of Arts in Education & Sociology, Master of Arts (Hons) in Sociology and a Doctorate in Philosophy in Behavioural Science. His scholarly interests are in Pacific health issues in New Zealand and the Pacific region, with specialist areas of research in addiction such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs and substance abuse research.

Professor Janie Sheridan

The University of Auckland

Janie Sheridan is a Tū Whakaruruhau co-investigator. She has undertaken previous research into methamphetamine use and treatment and also contributes expertise in qualitative research methods.

Dr Braden Te Ao

The University of Auckland

Braden Te Ao is a Senior Health Economist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland. His research interests are in health inequalities, access, quality and efficiency of healthcare.

Sophia de Fossard

Project Manager
The University of Auckland

Sophia is the project manager for the study. Sophia is a former social worker and has lived experience of addiction. Sophia is proud to be Tangata Tiriti and this informs how she lives and works.

Dr Rodrigo Ramalho

The University of Auckland

Dr Rodrigo Ramalho is the Academic Director of the Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences in Alcohol and Drug Studies and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social and Community Health. Rama is a psychiatrist and population health scientist with a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach.

Associate Professor Natalie Walker

The University of Auckland

Associate Professor Natalie Walker is a Tū Whakaruruhau co-investigator and Associate Director of the Faculty Centre for Addiction Research. She works across a number of health topics, but specialises in the design and conduct of community-based research (especially in the addiction space) that informs practice and policy.

Varsha Parag

Senior Bio-Statistician
The University of Auckland

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